Hosting a hub

This section will take you through some key points that may be helpful if you are interested in hosting a hub:

  1. Forming a hosting team

  2. Inviting the community

  3. Organizing a meeting space

  4. Connecting with other hub hosts

1. Forming a Hosting Team

When you decide to host a hub, it is often helpful to invite others to do this with you. In our experience, it is often easier to divide and share hosting responsibilities between several people. In some hubs, the participants agree to rotate leadership during the course.

Take the time to explore the following questions as a hosting team: What is the time commitment each of you can give? What are your individual intentions for this hub? What are your needs/strengths/worries? Who wants to take on what role?

Key roles may include:

  • Logistics: dates/times, location, technology, snacks, etc.

  • Communication: writing invitations and communicating with hub participants

  • Harvesting: documenting your process and outcomes

  • Facilitation: hosting/facilitation of the meetings

After creating a hosting team and before inviting the community to join, we encourage the team to set the hub's intention: Intention: i.e. “Why are we doing this?"

2. Inviting the Community

Outline as clearly as possible what you are offering and what people are being invited into (the hub's intention). Include where the meetings will take place, when, who else may be participating, and what participants can expect (or not). You can also direct them to the Just Money registration page on edX.

Please note: each person in your hub should register individually for Just Money on the edX platform.

3. Organizing a Meeting Space

Make sure the place where you meet is suitable in size and access, and free from disturbing outside interference or noise. Should you wish to play videos from the course, check whether the Internet connection is strong and reliable and that you have the necessary equipment (e.g. projector, screen, sound) for everyone to be able to see and hear.

4. Connecting With Other Hub Hosts

If you want to stay connected to the global hub host community, please fill out this survey so we can create a list of hub hosts and a platform for you to connect:

Stay tuned for more details to come.

Last updated

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